Apartments in Modesto California
Residents eating lunch near Alpine Gardens in Modesto, California

Live Local

Make the most of every day with a prime location in Stanislaus County, California, near Modesto City-County Airport, multiple neighborhood schools, and downtown Modesto. Enjoy a wealth of nearby parks and trails including Dry Creek Trail and East La Loma Park.  

Your one, two, or three bedroom duplex has easy access to Yosemite Boulevard and public transportation, so commuting to work, school, or play, is a breeze. Meanwhile, all your daily necessities are close to home so you never have to go far. 

Alpine Gardens is your waypoint to everything California has to offer. 

Woman shopping near Alpine Gardens in Modesto, California

Explore Pierce County
From here, anything is possible!

Whether you start your day by enjoying a hearty breakfast at Modesto Café, shopping at the McHenry Village Shopping Center, or grocery shopping at Save Mart, the conveniences are endless at Alpine Gardens. 

There’s a lot to love about life at Alpine Gardens. Give us a call to find out more.  

Indulgence Awaits You at Alpine Gardens